Rat treatment plan may include
- Rat treatment in basement or interior of the house only
- Rat treatment or prevention at exterior of the house
- Rat treatment interior and exterior both
Rat control, the division of Pest Control Company, is responsible for providing rat and mice exterminator services to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Our certified and experienced technicians can provide excellent pest control services for your household or commercial rat and mice extermination needs. Our highly skilled, licensed and insured technicians provide great rat control services. Our service is backed by exceptionally trained technicians, who have years of experience in the rat and mice control field. We provide pest control services to various establishments such as homeowners, apartments, restaurants, building complexes, warehouses and many more.
Upon the costumer’s request unmarked vehicles are available for pest extermination services where discretion is wanted. To book a same day appointment or a free consultation call: 647-567-PEST (7378)
Upon the costumer’s request unmarked vehicles are available for pest extermination services where discretion is wanted. To book a same day appointment or a free consultation call: 647-567-PEST (7378)
Do you want to share your home with Rat and Mice?
Off course not.
No one wants to share their home with rats.
The most worse part of rat activity is “when we lay down in bed after a long hardworking day and we start hearing their tiny feet running in our ceiling, snuggling sounds and scratching to walls”.
Most of residents feel that these are mice but however, we “Rat Control Toronto”, rat and mice expert are warning you that these could be mice fat friends called as RAT.
There is a big misconception among the people that when the temperature goes up or on rise, rats and mice leave the home and start living outdoor.
You might be lucky if this happened with you but according to experts, instinct of rodents keep them residing where penalty of food and water is available. No one wants to leave the haven and your home is always haven for mice and rats.
It is very much true that most of rat invade the house and structure just before the winter when temperature drops to zero.
At that time of the year, rat and mice find a small hole at your exterior walls and squeeze in for warm, cozy shelter. After entering the house, they found the way to kitchen and other food storage areas. Ultimately, they find their food.
In Canadian style of construction, copper pipes and ventilation pipes are going almost in every room to maintain temperature. Same is the situation with electrical wires. These pipes and wires are highways for rats and mice. By using these, mice & rats can go anywhere in your house. They make their nest during winter in walls, behind dry wall, ceiling, or in case of “roof rat” in attic too.
Types of Rats Found in Ontario

Roof Rats:
Roof rats range in size from about 14 to 20 inches from nose to tail, and can weigh around 10 ounces. The range in colour from dark brown t back with smooth, furry slender bodies, and longs tails with large ears and eyes. These rats are omnivorous but prefer foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. They are prey to a variety of animals including but not limited to dogs, cats, owls.
Roof rats can pose a threat to both the health of humans and to buildings. Much like other rats and mice, they can spread disease by direct contamination through urine, feces and bites. Roof rats can also spread disease indirectly when infected roof rats are bitten by fleas and mosquitoes that then go on to bite other hosts infecting them. Roof rats can also potentially cause structural damage by compromising the integrity of building foundations and walkways. In addition, they can also cause damage by gnawing on doors, pipes, and electrical wires (which can be a fire hazard).
Call Rat Control Toronto to quickly get rid of rats.
Roof rats create nests in trees and debris piles, but inside building they can nest in attics and ceilings. Roof rats prefer to spend their time off the ground where they are less accessible to predators. Common signs of roof rat infestation include but are not limited to :
- Visual sighting of roof rats
- Hallowed fruits and vegetables
- Droppings (that are long and rod-shaped in appearance)
- Noises such as scratching and gnawing sounds in walls and ceilings.
- Gnaw marks and damage to plastic covers, and wires
Call PEST CONTROL COMPANY for safely removing rats and mice from your property.

Norway Rat:
Norway rat is different from mice by their size. The larger Norway rat can grow to 12 inches long or more and can weigh half a kilogram. The Rattus genus includes 56 types of rodents. Norway rats are thriving in urban centers around the world. Norway rats can eat almost everything in city areas. The Norway rat, though omnivorous, and can eat almost anything but prefers a carnivorous diet, including shrimp, snails, insects, bird eggs, amphibians, poultry and rabbits. The Norway rat can swim and will also enter lakes, streams and sewers to hunt for fish and other food.
Norway rat can easily survive in homes or urban atmosphere where human and pet’s food is available. They can survive on stored food grains; love to eat meat, fish, cheese and all kind of fatty foods. In some parts of the world, Norway rats are stood responsible for extinction of small species in birds, mammalians and some reptiles.
Norway rats are also known as ‘Brown Rats’ and can survive in harsh cold winter.
According to government of Alberta, Norway rats are one of the most destructive creatures known to man. Not only can they destroy crops, they can also weaken foundations of buildings, streets, sewers and water lines with their tunnels. They can also gnaw holes in floors, walls, insulation and supporting structures.
Typically Norway rats settle on the ground, but some are excellent climbers. They are good climber and can run along narrow branches and wires.
Some live in burrows or build nests under such things as boulders and rotting tree trunks. They can even live in rock crevices or caves or large city buildings, sewage, subways lines, foundation walls of aged homes, under the deck warm areas but they are fully capable to survive the winter outdoors in Canada.
The Norway rat reaches to sexual maturity at three months and can produce up to 12 times per year. Each time can give birth from 2 to 22 young. Peak times are spring and autumn and if you see burrows around your house call PEST CONTROL AND EXTERMINATORS to get rid of Norway rat quickly and effectively.

When residents come to know that they have mice or Rats?
If residents are not hearing sounds in walls, rat and mice usually remain un-noticed for a long period of time. When their population increased, then residents start seeing their dropping s in furnace area, in kitchen under sink, around dishwasher, or in laundry room.
The residents tried their own to get rid of rats or mice by using snap traps, but at that time only trapping will not exterminate the rat or mice.
On this stage “commercial rodenticide” treatment is required because any further delay will cause more serious problems as mice and rats multiply very quickly. f the year, rat and mice find a small hole at your exterior walls and squeeze in for warm, cozy shelter. After entering the house, they found the way to kitchen and other food storage areas. Ultimately, they find their food.