Customize service plan according to your house needs
- Mice inside the house
- Mice at Exterior of the house
- Both interior and exterior

First step involved in mice treatment is "Locate The Entry Point"
We believe on good communication. When Technicians from Pest control Company, visits a site for the treatment of mice infestation, he will ask several questions to estimate the level of infestation. Then we physically investigate active areas of infestation inside the property and set traps or bait stations containing commercial “rodenticide”.
Most of the times, we also use attractive ingredients along with bait to kill and quickly get rid of the mice. These attractive ingredients are developed after years of research. These ingredients are food grade and perfectly safe to use in enclosed environment.
After placing strategically mice bait stations, we inspect the exterior perimeter of the building. The purpose of this inspection is to locate the entry point “from where mice are entering the house”?
Remember, mice need ¼th of an inch size hole to enter in a building. If the exterior of the house is free of gaps, cracks and wall voids, then the mice can enter only through open doors.
Entering of mice to structure also depend upon the type of property. For example in town house complex, where walls are attached on both sides, or in semi-detach homes, mice can move from one house to other through the walls.
This can be determined during inspection, while technician is on site.
Then technician write down the report, suggestions and chemical product used in the structure (as this by law).
Most of the times, mice rodenticide is placed in temper proof boxes for the safety of residents, kids, pets and non-target animals. In extreme cases, rodenticide can be used in wall voids only. For more details, call pest control and exterminators at 647-567-7378.
We believe on good communication. When Technicians from Pest control Company, visits a site for the treatment of mice infestation, he will ask several questions to estimate the level of infestation. Then we physically investigate active areas of infestation inside the property and set traps or bait stations containing commercial “rodenticide”.
Most of the times, we also use attractive ingredients along with bait to kill and quickly get rid of the mice. These attractive ingredients are developed after years of research. These ingredients are food grade and perfectly safe to use in enclosed environment.
After placing strategically mice bait stations, we inspect the exterior perimeter of the building. The purpose of this inspection is to locate the entry point “from where mice are entering the house”?
Remember, mice need ¼th of an inch size hole to enter in a building. If the exterior of the house is free of gaps, cracks and wall voids, then the mice can enter only through open doors.
Entering of mice to structure also depend upon the type of property. For example in town house complex, where walls are attached on both sides, or in semi-detach homes, mice can move from one house to other through the walls.
This can be determined during inspection, while technician is on site.
Then technician write down the report, suggestions and chemical product used in the structure (as this by law).
Most of the times, mice rodenticide is placed in temper proof boxes for the safety of residents, kids, pets and non-target animals. In extreme cases, rodenticide can be used in wall voids only. For more details, call pest control and exterminators at 647-567-7378.
Mice Prevention
Mice and rats are vermin's that infect a household often with the intention to multiply and spread, and are often searching for food or a warm place to hide for winter. One of the easiest mice and rat prevention is that of sanitation. Keeping an area sanitized and keeping no food open can have a big impact. Mice often enter a property in search for food, and when food source is found, they begin multiplying their colony. They are hard to stop without professional intervention. This colonization can be prevented if entry points around the border of the house are sealed, and the area is kept sanitized.
Mice and rats are vermin's that infect a household often with the intention to multiply and spread, and are often searching for food or a warm place to hide for winter. One of the easiest mice and rat prevention is that of sanitation. Keeping an area sanitized and keeping no food open can have a big impact. Mice often enter a property in search for food, and when food source is found, they begin multiplying their colony. They are hard to stop without professional intervention. This colonization can be prevented if entry points around the border of the house are sealed, and the area is kept sanitized.

Deer Mouse:
The deer mouse dug in the ground to build their nests, or make nest in stumps or rotting logs. This species also sometimes nests in buildings. Deer mice can climb walls; can walk on wires and pipes. The deer mouse is a nocturnal feeder and feed on a wide range of nuts and seeds, and when this sort of food is plentiful in a house, they can enter the structure. That’s why; deer mice are active all winter. Deer mice also feed on insects when they are available.
Deer mice are pale grey, with white fur on their stomachs. They live mainly in rural and semi-rural wooded areas. They are not generally found in urban areas but in Toronto, if you are at ravine area, you may encounter deer mouse.
Rodents may carry the virus, especially deer mice. Infected rodents shed the virus in their urine, saliva and droppings. Health Canada has found the virus in a very small percentage of deer mice tested in Northern Ontario. Your chances of getting HPS are very low. Only rarely do people exposed to the virus become infected. People can be exposed to the virus in following ways:
Most often by breathing in infected dust from deer mice droppings or urine;
Being bitten by an infected deer mouse;
Touching any broken skin after contact with infected material
The virus does not pass from person to person. Deer mice are considered as pest when they occur in homes. They attack the stored food and may shred fabrics and furnishings to get material with which to build their nests.
For any type of mice infestation call Pest Control Company @ 647-567-7378 for safely removing mice from your property.

House Mouse:
The house mouse is one of the most troublesome and costly rodents in the whole Canada. House mice survive under a variety of conditions and can be found in and around homes and commercial structures, as well as in open fields and on agricultural land.
House mice contaminate and eat food prepared and stocked for humans, pets, livestock, or other animals. In addition, they cause considerable damage to structures and property, and they can transmit pathogens that cause diseases such as salmonellae, or food poisoning.
House mice are small in size with large ears and black eyes. They weigh about 1/2 ounce and usually are light brownish to gray. An adult is about 5 to 7 inches long, including the 3 to 4 inch tail. Droppings, fresh rubbing marks, and tracks indicate areas where mice are active.
House mouse made their nests from finely shredded paper or other fibrous material. They make their nests usually in sheltered locations. House mice have a characteristic musky odor that reveals their presence. Mice are active mostly at night, but they can be seen occasionally during daylight hours. Because house mice are so small, they can gain entry into homes through quarter of an inch hole. So the ratio of mice infestation as compare to rat is 10 times more.
Most effect way to control the mice infestation is good practices in housekeeping. Effective control involves sanitation, exclusion, and mice killing techniques. Sanitation and exclusion are preventive measures.
Trapping is carried out by using sticky glue boards and snap traps. To bring the population quickly under control, combination of trapping and use of rodenticide poison is the best. While using commercial rodenticide, mice entry points if located should not be sealed off for at least for 21 days.
The house mouse is one of the most troublesome and costly rodents in the whole Canada. House mice survive under a variety of conditions and can be found in and around homes and commercial structures, as well as in open fields and on agricultural land.
House mice contaminate and eat food prepared and stocked for humans, pets, livestock, or other animals. In addition, they cause considerable damage to structures and property, and they can transmit pathogens that cause diseases such as salmonellae, or food poisoning.
House mice are small in size with large ears and black eyes. They weigh about 1/2 ounce and usually are light brownish to gray. An adult is about 5 to 7 inches long, including the 3 to 4 inch tail. Droppings, fresh rubbing marks, and tracks indicate areas where mice are active.
House mouse made their nests from finely shredded paper or other fibrous material. They make their nests usually in sheltered locations. House mice have a characteristic musky odor that reveals their presence. Mice are active mostly at night, but they can be seen occasionally during daylight hours. Because house mice are so small, they can gain entry into homes through quarter of an inch hole. So the ratio of mice infestation as compare to rat is 10 times more.
Most effect way to control the mice infestation is good practices in housekeeping. Effective control involves sanitation, exclusion, and mice killing techniques. Sanitation and exclusion are preventive measures.
Trapping is carried out by using sticky glue boards and snap traps. To bring the population quickly under control, combination of trapping and use of rodenticide poison is the best. While using commercial rodenticide, mice entry points if located should not be sealed off for at least for 21 days.

White footed mice:
White footed mice range from 15 to 20 cm in total length, with their tail making up about one-third of that length. They weigh from 15 to 25 g. The fur on their back ranges from light brown to a more reddish brown, while the fur on their stomach and feet is white. Their tails tend to be darker on the top and lighter on the bottom.
White footed mice are found throughout GTA. They are found from the Atlantic coast of North America as far north as Nova Scotia, west to Saskatchewan and Montana. They do not found west of the Rocky Mountains.
White footed mice live are most commonly found in warm, dry forests and brush lands at low to mid-elevations. The can survive in a wide variety of habitats, including higher elevation forests and semi dry areas. Because they are flexible and adaptable, they also do well in residential and agricultural settings. White-footed mice are the most plentiful small rodent in mixed forests in the GTA. White footed mice build nests in places that are warm and dry, such as a hollow tree or emptied bird's nest.
White footed mice have different breeding seasons depending on where they live.
In the northern parts or GTA, they breed in spring and late summer but they can breed whole summer, depending on availability of food and environment. Females can begin to have babies when they are 40 to 50 days old. Females are pregnant for 21 to 28 days. Females can have 2 to 4 litters a year, each containing 5 to 9 young. Young are born blind, and their eyes usually open about 2 weeks after birth. Mother takes care of babies only for 3 weeks.
White footed mice are primarily nocturnal. They are mainly solitary and are territorial, but their home range or territory can overlap with each other. White footed mice are excellent climber and can swim well. They are very good in sense of direction, and are able to return to a particular location from long distances.
White footed mice are omnivorous. They can eat seeds, berries, pet food, nuts, insects, grains, fruits, and fungi. In order to prepare for the winter, white-footed mice gather and store seeds and nuts in the fall.
White-footed mice are active primarily at night and are secretive and alert, and they have lot of predators and are the major diet item of many small predators.
First sign of presence of white footed mice in your home is the dropping. Upon noticing this sign call immediately PEST CONTROL COMPANY to eliminate these nasty creatures before infestation goes at highest level.
White footed mice range from 15 to 20 cm in total length, with their tail making up about one-third of that length. They weigh from 15 to 25 g. The fur on their back ranges from light brown to a more reddish brown, while the fur on their stomach and feet is white. Their tails tend to be darker on the top and lighter on the bottom.
White footed mice are found throughout GTA. They are found from the Atlantic coast of North America as far north as Nova Scotia, west to Saskatchewan and Montana. They do not found west of the Rocky Mountains.
White footed mice live are most commonly found in warm, dry forests and brush lands at low to mid-elevations. The can survive in a wide variety of habitats, including higher elevation forests and semi dry areas. Because they are flexible and adaptable, they also do well in residential and agricultural settings. White-footed mice are the most plentiful small rodent in mixed forests in the GTA. White footed mice build nests in places that are warm and dry, such as a hollow tree or emptied bird's nest.
White footed mice have different breeding seasons depending on where they live.
In the northern parts or GTA, they breed in spring and late summer but they can breed whole summer, depending on availability of food and environment. Females can begin to have babies when they are 40 to 50 days old. Females are pregnant for 21 to 28 days. Females can have 2 to 4 litters a year, each containing 5 to 9 young. Young are born blind, and their eyes usually open about 2 weeks after birth. Mother takes care of babies only for 3 weeks.
White footed mice are primarily nocturnal. They are mainly solitary and are territorial, but their home range or territory can overlap with each other. White footed mice are excellent climber and can swim well. They are very good in sense of direction, and are able to return to a particular location from long distances.
White footed mice are omnivorous. They can eat seeds, berries, pet food, nuts, insects, grains, fruits, and fungi. In order to prepare for the winter, white-footed mice gather and store seeds and nuts in the fall.
White-footed mice are active primarily at night and are secretive and alert, and they have lot of predators and are the major diet item of many small predators.
First sign of presence of white footed mice in your home is the dropping. Upon noticing this sign call immediately PEST CONTROL COMPANY to eliminate these nasty creatures before infestation goes at highest level.
The Damage caused by a Mice or Rat Infestation:
Mice and rats belong to the rodent category and considered a “Pest” in Ontario. These are not only related to damage to your food and property. Rats can chew electrical wires resulting in structural fires.
They are also responsible for many serious diseases. Mice and Rats are also responsible for diseases like ricketsail pox, choriomeningitis and salmonellosis. Mice can also transfer mites and fleas to your house from the fields. They can also contaminate human and pet feeds with their urination.
House mice and white footed mice are also known as reservoir of Hanta Virus and bacterial Lyme diseases.
Mice and rats belong to the rodent category and considered a “Pest” in Ontario. These are not only related to damage to your food and property. Rats can chew electrical wires resulting in structural fires.
They are also responsible for many serious diseases. Mice and Rats are also responsible for diseases like ricketsail pox, choriomeningitis and salmonellosis. Mice can also transfer mites and fleas to your house from the fields. They can also contaminate human and pet feeds with their urination.
House mice and white footed mice are also known as reservoir of Hanta Virus and bacterial Lyme diseases.