Bed Bugs control, the division of Pest Control Company, is responsible for providing bed bug exterminator services to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Our certified and experienced technicians can provide excellent pest control services for your household or commercial extermination needs. Our highly skilled, licensed and insured technicians provide great pest control services, where quality and efficiency is a top priority. Our service is backed by exceptionally trained technicians, who have years of experience in the pest control field. We provide bed bug control services to various establishments such as homeowners, apartments, restaurants, building complexes, hotels, motels and many more.
Upon the costumer’s request unmarked vehicles are available for pest extermination services where discretion is wanted. To book a same day appointment or a free consultation call: 647-567-PEST (7378).
Upon the costumer’s request unmarked vehicles are available for pest extermination services where discretion is wanted. To book a same day appointment or a free consultation call: 647-567-PEST (7378).

Our Bed Bug treatment Procedure.
We use several techniques, procedures and insecticides to exterminate the bed bugs.
This is two treatments procedure.
In first treatment, we start with residual insecticide or spray. We treat all cracks and crevices of furniture.
Then we vacuum the whole furniture to pick up all dead and dying bedbugs.
Now it is the time for Ultra-Light Volumetric insecticide treatment (FOG), which is carried out with power operated machine to inject insecticide deep into crack and crevices of furniture and wall voids.
To give you an idea, for 5 bed room house, we need 4-6 hours of operation.
Then We perform follow up treatment after 15-21 days of first service.
Usually, no more bites after first treatment.
Preparation is required for bed bug treatment. On confirmation of treatment order, we will send you the instructions and preparation sheet.

Facts about Bed Bugs.
Bed Bugs are small, flat and oval in shape. Adult has a size is 4 to 4.5 mm and colour is reddish brown. These are blood suckers and usually prime area of nesting is bed rooms. But bed bugs can also infest our office, work place, couches, chairs, drawers, and all those location from where they can make an easy access to human body.
Usually it is considered that bed bug bites only during the night time. Most of times, yes but bed bugs can bite you while you are working and siting on your chair, office seat, or relaxing on couch.
Frequently asked questions:
How bed bugs enter in my residence?
Bed bugs infestation doesn’t have any direct relation with sanitation condition of any premises. Anyone unknowingly can become a carrier of bed bug, while travelling in public transport, staying in Hotel or Motel, from our offices, clinics and hospitals, restaurants or guests who come to our home.
Nothing could be definite that from where we can get the bed bugs.
Effects of bed bugs on residents?
If the bed bugs introduced in a residence they became very numerous and irritating. Bed bugs damage more mentally than physically. We have seen the residents, who encounter the bed bugs in their past and now they take grape seeds as bed bugs too. Bed bugs definitely affect the welfare of occupants.
I have bed bugs but never feel any bite, why?
Some people have bed bugs but bedbug bites are not irritating to them. It is because of their immune system. When bed bug bites they inject the anti-coagulant first to make a continuous flow of blood. After the bite, this anti-coagulant develops welts and itchiness. So person to person, effect of anti-coagulant varies.
Two persons using same bed, one got bitten by bed bugs other not. Why?
Occupants have bedbugs and sleeping on same bed with other person and bed beg don’t bite one person while other got bitten. It is because of carbon dioxide emission level from our bodies which differs person to person.
Bed Bugs are small, flat and oval in shape. Adult has a size is 4 to 4.5 mm and colour is reddish brown. These are blood suckers and usually prime area of nesting is bed rooms. But bed bugs can also infest our office, work place, couches, chairs, drawers, and all those location from where they can make an easy access to human body.
Usually it is considered that bed bug bites only during the night time. Most of times, yes but bed bugs can bite you while you are working and siting on your chair, office seat, or relaxing on couch.
Frequently asked questions:
How bed bugs enter in my residence?
Bed bugs infestation doesn’t have any direct relation with sanitation condition of any premises. Anyone unknowingly can become a carrier of bed bug, while travelling in public transport, staying in Hotel or Motel, from our offices, clinics and hospitals, restaurants or guests who come to our home.
Nothing could be definite that from where we can get the bed bugs.
Effects of bed bugs on residents?
If the bed bugs introduced in a residence they became very numerous and irritating. Bed bugs damage more mentally than physically. We have seen the residents, who encounter the bed bugs in their past and now they take grape seeds as bed bugs too. Bed bugs definitely affect the welfare of occupants.
I have bed bugs but never feel any bite, why?
Some people have bed bugs but bedbug bites are not irritating to them. It is because of their immune system. When bed bug bites they inject the anti-coagulant first to make a continuous flow of blood. After the bite, this anti-coagulant develops welts and itchiness. So person to person, effect of anti-coagulant varies.
Two persons using same bed, one got bitten by bed bugs other not. Why?
Occupants have bedbugs and sleeping on same bed with other person and bed beg don’t bite one person while other got bitten. It is because of carbon dioxide emission level from our bodies which differs person to person.